England through the Ages

England through the Ages

出版社:Audiomax 703 1178-2
演奏者:Rec. Malle Symen Quartet

John Baldwin
1. 4 vocum

2. Salva nos
3. Salva nos

John Taverner
4. In nomine Domini

Maarten Altena / William Byrd
5. In nomine William Byrd

John Baldwin
6. Upon in nomine

Matthew Locke
7. Suite No.4 in F

Henry Purcell
11. Out of: Dido and Aeneas

Richard Barrett
17. Liebestod

Henry Purcell
18. Fantasia No.7

John Blow
19. Out of: Venus and Adonis

Robert Fayfax
21. Meses tenor
22. Paramese tenor

Leonel Power
23. Ave regina coelorum
24. Gloriose virginis

Thomas tallis
25. Clarifica me parter
26. Clarifica