Spiritual "I got a robe"
Spiritual "Joshua fit the battle of Jericho"
Spiritual "Lord, I want to be a Christian"
Spiritual "Little David, play on your harp"
Spiritual "My Lord, what a morning"
Spiritual "Nobody knows"
Spiritual "Steal away to Jesus"
Spiritual "They crucified my Lord"
Spiritual "We are climbing Jacob's ladder"
Spiritual "When Israel went in Egyptland"
Spiritual "Joshua fit the battle of Jericho"
Spiritual "Lord, I want to be a Christian"
Spiritual "Little David, play on your harp"
Spiritual "My Lord, what a morning"
Spiritual "Nobody knows"
Spiritual "Steal away to Jesus"
Spiritual "They crucified my Lord"
Spiritual "We are climbing Jacob's ladder"
Spiritual "When Israel went in Egyptland"